Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Assaulted in Bangkok (Part 1)

Since coming back from our vacation I think the most common question I’ve heard is, “Where’d you guys go again?” Thailand. Not Taiwan, not Taipei. Thailand. The reaction I get once people realize where we were for a month is normally something like, “Oh. How was that?” Which makes me want to step on their feet and holler in their face, "IT WAS AN ASSAULT ON THE SENSES, HOMIE!"

Example #1: You take a boat to get to the tourist attractions and I don't know if you can tell or not from this photo, but it's about a million degrees outside.
Example numero 2: People dress way different than they do in the West!

Have I mentioned yet that they have golden palaces that are hundreds of years old? Well, they do!

Are you getting all the handcrafted details here?!! I'm telling you, it was unreal!

Alisha fit right in to the beautiful surroundings because she's the fairest maiden in all the land

The infamous Tuk-tuk. These guys have mastered the art of shooting the gap, and they're kind enough to provide numerous options in the 'Oh, Crap!' handle arena

The wind wiping through your hair, the scent of exhaust fumes filling your nostrils, and Spiderman gazing at you from the back of your chauffeur's seat. What better way to experience downtown?

That's mother of pearl that has been handcrafted into the feet of a giant Buddha. Stunning.

One thing that my senses were not expecting: the poverty that is hiding just behind the gleaming tourist attractions.

Google's walking directions gave us an intimate glimpse of the extreme paradox that lurks in Bangkok

Literally just feet from a bustling luxury mall, this little one and her feathered friends live in squaller